How To Prepare For The Arrival Of a New Puppy ?

Adopting a puppy is a big decision. Its arrival at home is a step which is just as important, because it will determine the quality and the adaptation time of the young animal completely confused. Let’s see together how to welcome your puppy in the best possible way.

Generally speaking, the ideal age to welcome a puppy into the home is considered to be between 2 and 3 months. It has thus passed the weaning age, which is 6 weeks, and was able to acquire basic social reflexes from Its mother as well as Its brothers and sisters.

The young animal is therefore preparing to experience a new life, the one you are going to offer It, which represents an important step for It as well as for your family. The moment of Its arrival home will inevitably be filled with happiness, excitement, and emotion.

It should still be properly prepared in order to reduce the effects of the trauma it can represent for the puppy. It is about being around It, with joy and affection, while avoiding drowning It under an uninterrupted flow of caresses and behaviors that could stress It .

A warm welcome, but calm and reassuring

On Its arrival at home, the puppy should especially not be confronted with a stressful atmosphere, made up of excessive outbursts of joy, children’s cries, and confused noises. These first moments in Its new environment should, on the contrary, be marked by a great calm. In this way, we avoid further disorienting It.

Do not forget that the puppy has lived 2 to 3 months with Its mother and Its siblings and that the separation already represents a profound upheaval in Its young life. Avoid inviting neighbors, friends, and other people who are not part of your inner family circle.

The presentations with others will be done later. They will even be necessary in order to perfect the socialization of the animal. But, in the meantime, It will have to learn to distinguish the people who will constitute Its little clan and to whom It will have to obey: those who live at home.

Assign It a place of Its own, that It can make his own

Prepare a personal corner or a place that will serve as both a resting place and an observation post. It must be away from comings and goings, while still allowing It to observe everything that is happening at home.

Once the location has been chosen, put Its bed there: a small basket, large enough to allow It to move a minimum and narrow enough for It to feel surrounded on all sides thanks to a comfortable sleeping bag. Ideally, place a piece of cloth soaked in the scent of Its birthplace in it: it could be a piece of the cloth It slept on alongside Its mother and siblings. Otherwise, a little blanket that the puppy can snuggle up to will do.

Give It time to discover Its new environment

Let It familiarize Itself, at Its own pace, with Its new environment. The puppy should be able to explore the whole house in complete freedom, except the rooms that you will not allow It from the start.

Try to devote as much of your time as possible to It the first few days so that It’s not too upset by the absence of Its family. Play with the puppy, pamper It, and adopt a playful tone when talking to It.
Then you can begin to teach It to poop: remove it several times a day, ideally right after meals, and praise – It every time It poops out.

Some security measures

  • Close all the exits leading to the outside of the house to allow the young dog to explore Its world without danger
  • Store toxic productsfragile objects, and electrical wires that are within reach
  • Do not leave plants within reach, as some can be poisonous
  • Put away your shoes and slippers, as your puppy may nibble them
  • Raise tablecloths, curtains, blinds, and anything else the puppy may want to pull up
  • Systematically clean any leftover food from the floor
  • Never leave your puppy and baby alone. Both can unintentionally harm each other


  • Amanda Wheatley

    Passionate about animals, Amanda draws her expertise from her training as an educator, pet behaviorist as well as her extensive experience with animal owners. A specialist in dog and cat behavior, Amanda continues to learn about our four-legged companions by studying veterinary reference books but also university research sites (UCD, Utrecht, Cambridge, Cornell, etc..) Why Trust ShelterAPet? At ShelterAPet, our collective is composed of writers, veterinarians, and seasoned animal trainers with a deep passion for pets. Our team of esteemed professionals delves into extensive research to deliver trustworthy insights on a broad spectrum of pet-related subjects. We anchor our evaluations on direct customer experiences, meticulous testing, and comprehensive scrutiny. Our commitment is to uphold transparency and integrity for our cherished community of pet aficionados and prospective pet parents.

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