Are Cooked or Raw Eggs Safe for Maine Coons?

While Maine Coons can definitely enjoy meat and fish, eggs get a bit tricky!

Here’s the deal:

  • Raw or undercooked eggs are a big NO! They can have icky stuff called Salmonella and E. Coli, which can make your furry friend sick.
  • Cooked eggs are okay, but only sometimes. They’re a good source of protein, but don’t overdo it. Think of them as a yummy treat, not a regular meal.

Remember, a balanced diet is key for happy and healthy Maine Coons! Talk to your vet about the best food for your feline friend.

Did My Maine Coon Just Eat a Bad Raw Egg?! (Don’t Panic, Here’s What To Do)

My Maine Coon Ate a Raw Egg: What Do I Do?

If you discover your Maine Coon has eaten a raw egg, here’s what to do and don’t do:


  • Stay Calm: Panicking won’t help your cat. Observe their behavior for any immediate signs of discomfort like vomiting, diarrhea, or lethargy.
  • Monitor: Keep an eye on your cat for the next 24-48 hours.
  • Contact Your Vet: Call your veterinarian for guidance, especially if your cat shows any concerning symptoms. They may advise monitoring or recommend bringing your cat in for an examination.


  • Induce Vomiting: Unless specifically instructed by your vet, don’t attempt to induce vomiting. This can be dangerous and worsen the situation.
  • Give Medications: Avoid giving your cat any medication without consulting your veterinarian.
  • Change Their Diet Abruptly: Stick to their regular diet unless your vet advises otherwise.

Additional Information:

  • Raw eggs can carry bacteria like Salmonella, which can cause illness in both humans and cats.
  • The risk of illness depends on the individual cat’s health and the specific bacteria present in the egg.
  • Most healthy cats will not experience serious problems from eating a single raw egg.

Remember: When in doubt, always err on the side of caution and consult your veterinarian. They are the best resource to advise on your cat’s specific needs and ensure their well-being.

What are the chances of a Maine Coon eating a bad raw egg?

While the chance of getting sick from an egg is pretty low, there are a few things to keep in mind:

  • Salmonella: It’s rare, but hens can carry this bacteria, making the egg itself infected. Luckily, pasteurized eggs are even safer, although not entirely risk-free.
  • E. Coli: This bacteria comes from poop and can get onto eggs because it’s hard to keep chicken coops perfectly clean. It’s more common than Salmonella and emphasizes the importance of good hygiene.
Maine coon Cat

Are eggs good for Maine Coon cats?

Good news, Maine Coon owners! They can enjoy cooked eggs sometimes! Eggs are a yummy treat with protein and other good stuff for your furry friend. Just remember these things:

  • Cook the eggs first: This keeps them safe from icky bacteria that can make your cat sick.
  • Treats, not meals: Eggs are a fun snack, not a replacement for their regular food. Too much can mess up their tummy.
  • Watch for allergies: Like any new food, keep an eye out for any reactions when introducing eggs. If they seem uncomfortable, skip the eggs next time.

So, there you have it! Cooked eggs can be a delicious and nutritious occasional treat for your Maine Coon, just remember to be safe and keep them in moderation.

Using raw eggs in homemade raw Maine Coon food !

I understand you’re looking at raw cat food recipes, and some include raw egg yolks. While that might seem okay, it’s important to know that raw eggs can carry icky germs like salmonella and E. coli that can make your kitty sick. I wouldn’t recommend using recipes with raw egg yolks for their safety.

Also, remember that freezing the food doesn’t get rid of these germs, it just stops some worms from bothering your furry friend. So always stick with recipes that don’t include raw eggs to keep your feline companion safe and healthy.

Maine Coon Kittens For Sale

Are Eggshells Good For Maine Coons?

Your kitty can enjoy a cooked, boiled egg as a yummy treat! Just remember to break it up into small pieces for easy munching.

Eggshells are like tiny, crunchy treats for cats and contain calcium, which helps their bones stay strong. But be careful! E. coli bacteria can sometimes be on egg shells, so always boil or bake the egg first before giving it to your furry friend.

Once cooked and cooled, you can either crush the eggshell and mix it into their food, or sprinkle it on top – your cat will decide which way they like it best!

What foods can Maine Coons not eat?

As well as eggs, there are many human foods, that Maine Coons can safely eat. However, there are also many things a Maine Coon should not consume detailed in this list of  foods you should not be tempted to feed to your cat.


  • Jessica Vanclap

    Passionate about animals, but also about health, I did not hesitate for long in choosing my studies. Veterinary assistant by training, I worked in a veterinary clinic for several years. I then made the choice to share my knowledge and experiences by joining the training team of a school of Veterinary Assistant and Grooming. Why Trust ShelterAPet? At ShelterAPet, our collective is composed of writers, veterinarians, and seasoned animal trainers with a deep passion for pets. Our team of esteemed professionals delves into extensive research to deliver trustworthy insights on a broad spectrum of pet-related subjects. We anchor our evaluations on direct customer experiences, meticulous testing, and comprehensive scrutiny. Our commitment is to uphold transparency and integrity for our cherished community of pet aficionados and prospective pet parents.

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