Grey Pitbull Dog | Facts, Price, Breeders… (With Pictures)

Pit bulls of gray or, it would be more correct to say, blue, are very popular among fans of this breed.

These strong, stately and muscular dogs, reminiscent of their color, silver or steel, look impressive and bright, especially if they have white markings.

Such a pet will become a devoted friend and reliable companion to a person who will spare no time and effort for its proper training and education.

After all, a properly raised gray pit bull does not feel aggression towards people, it’s quite intelligent and, at the same time, playful and mobile.

Grey Pitbull: Pure or Mix

The gray color is not considered a marriage of the breed, it is allowed by the standard and, moreover, is very popular among fans of this breed.

Gray, or, in other words, blue color, is a lightened version of the black color of the coat. Such a pit bull can be either light, silver-gray, or dark, the color of wet asphalt. However, not only dogs with a lightened black color can look gray: quite often this shade of coat occurs in blue-brindle pit bulls, in which there are very few reddish tigers, which is why the dog looks almost completely gray.

There are no particular difficulties in caring for them, however, owners of gray pit bulls should take into account that animals of this color are often prone to allergies.

Grey Pitbull
Image By @rosiemeatypiggyzuul

Grey Pitbull: Behavioral Characteristics

Gray Pit Bull Terriers are strong, confident, hardy, and agile dogs. They are distinguished by a lively, energetic, and moderately inquisitive disposition.

Modern pit bull terriers are friendly towards people, including children. At the same time, they are fearless and tireless in the battle with the enemy.

The fact that these dogs were bred for fighting with other animals became the cause of congenital zooagression, which needs to be properly corrected with the help of early socialization and education.

However, a well-mannered pit bull that does not have mental problems and comes from healthy lines can be considered a completely reliable companion and friend of the family.

The behavioral characteristics of the representatives of this breed largely depend on how the dog was brought up and in what conditions it was kept, which is why you can often hear conflicting opinions about pit bulls.

Some people consider these dogs to be the kindest and most peaceful creatures in the world, while others – ruthless war machines, whose goal is to destroy the enemy.

In fact, the character of gray pit bulls is very multifaceted and even somewhat contradictory, so that it depends only on the owner to choose the kind of dog will it grow up to be: affectionate and good-natured or prone to breakdowns in behavior and causeless aggression.

Grey Pitbull: Breed Overview

Grey Pitbull
Image By @paco_bluenose
  • Growth:Males – from 18 to 20 Inches. Females – from 16 to 20 Inches
  • Weight: Males – 40-67 pounds. Females – 35-57 pounds.
  • Head:Medium in size, in proportion to the body, resembling a rectangle in shape. The skull is moderately wide and somewhat flattened in the frontal region, the cheekbones are pronounced. The jaws are well developed, strong, and strong.
  • Muzzle: Square in shape, voluminous, and rather wide.
  • Ears: Semi-erect or rosy, set on high. As a rule, the ears of pit bulls are cropped.
  • Eyes: Set low, round, or almond-shaped. Eye color is usually brown in various shades, sometimes light amber.
  • Neck: Strong, dry, well-muscled, slightly widening towards the withers.
  • Shoulder blades:Muscular set obliquely.
  • Back: Slightly sloping towards the tail, rather broad and strong, but not long.
  • Chest: Sufficient depth and volume.
  • Front limbs: Strong, parallel, and straight.
  • Hind limbs: Strong, well angulated, and well-muscled on slightly elongated thighs.
  • Tail: Not long and low set, wider at the base and tapering towards the tip. Usually carried either lowered or raised no higher than the line of the spine.
  • Coat: Tight-fitting, rather stiff and short with characteristic shine, no undercoat.

The physique of a dog depends on what type it belongs to bulldog, terrier, or intermediate, which is considered the standard for this breed.

Bulldog gray pit bulls appear more massive and muscular, have relatively wide heads and muzzles, and may even be undershot.

Terrier-type dogs are relatively tall and lighter, and their heads and muzzles are usually narrowed.

Shades of Gray in PitBulls

  • Blue: The color of the coat can be grayish-blue in various shades from light silver to dark graphite. There may also be small white markings.
  • Blue and white: With this color, white markings are located on the main bluish-gray background, occupying no more than 50% of the area.
  • Blue brindle: While not a lightened black color, a blue-brindle coat may appear greyish-blue if the red brindle is small and sparse.
  • Blue fawn: The main color of the coat is fawn or red, but due to the fact that there is a grayish-blue dusting on the body of the dog, this color may look gray.
  • Blue and tan: On the main grayish-blue background, there are tan or fawn markings.
  • Tricolor: This is the same blue and tan color, complemented by white markings.
  • Isabella: A color that resembles a shade of coffee with milk, depending on the shade, can appear almost blue with a slight golden or pinkish tint.

Visually, other colors can also look gray, for example, such as Isabella-brindle, as well as pale fawn with a blue mask.

In addition, the blue merle color, which is prohibited in this breed, also belongs to the number of blue colors, in which uneven black spots are located on a light gray background, often complemented by white markings.

Grey Pitbull with Blue Eyes

Although most blue-eyed puppies subsequently change their eye color to brown in various shades, some gray pit bulls still have bluish eyes.

It looks unusual and beautiful, however, in this breed, blue and blue shades of the eyes are considered extremely undesirable.

Grey Pitbull
Image By @paco_bluenose

Grey Pitbull: Life expectancy

Gray Pitbulls live 12-15 years and are generally in good health.

Representatives of this breed are susceptible to only a few diseases, such as :

  • Von Willebrand disease.
  • Bloating and volvulus of the stomach or intestines.
  • Dysplasia of the joints.
  • Aortic stenosis.
  • Hypothyroidism
  • Cutaneous hemangioma and histocytoma.
  • Cataract

Gray pit bulls, more than dogs with other colors, can be prone to allergies, including food.

Grey Pitbull: Care & Maintenance

The pet’s coat should be brushed with a brush or mitten for short-haired dogs about 1 time per week.

Gray Pitbulls are bathed no more often than once every two months, and, given the allergic nature of this breed, special hypoallergenic shampoos should be used.

The eyes and ears are examined every day and cleaned as needed.


To get your dog to clean his teeth, you can give him treats to remove plaque or chew toys.

Alternatively, you can brush your pet’s teeth with dog toothpaste applied to a toothbrush.

Claws, if necessary, are shortened with a claw cutter, although, usually, pit bulls themselves grind them when walking on a hard surface.

Grey Pitbull
Image By @rosiemeatypiggyzuul

How Much Does a Grey Pitbull Cost?

A Grey Pitbull has an average tag price of $2500-$5000. Some Breeders could even offer Grey Pitbull puppies for $8000 or even higher.

The price would depend on many factors, such as the puppy’s lineage, its parents, its health, and the breeder’s reputation.

Aside from the puppy’s price, it would be best to consider the expenses that would come with it. For instance, you may want to get the essential things for your puppy like grooming tools, food, and shelter.

How to Choose The Best Grey Pitbull Puppy

A puppy should be purchased from a kennel, breeder, or through the club of those cynological organizations that recognize this breed.

It is very important that the parents of the future pet are distinguished by a stable balanced psyche, come from healthy lines, and have a typical breed exterior, character, and temperament.

In the event that it is planned to purchase a show-class dog, then it is better to opt for an intermediate pit bull, and not a bulldog or terrier type.

When choosing a puppy in a litter, you must carefully check if it has any visible manifestations of ill health: discharge from the ears or nose, skin rash, or redness.

The puppy should be cheerful, active, and moderately mobile, showing a benevolent curiosity towards people, but not cowardice or aggression.

It is not recommended to purchase a merle gray pit bull, as this color may be genetically related to the mental or health problems of the dog.

Grey Pitbull: Pros & Cons


  • Nice and elegant appearance.
  • Suitable for keeping in an apartment.
  • Hardy and unpretentious.
  • Strong and courageous.
  • Good security guard.
  • Differs in fairly good health.
  • Smart, smart, and well-trained.
  • Can be trained in any sporting discipline suitable for a dog of this size.
  • It’s friendly towards people and loves children.


  • They need professional training and great physical exertion.
  • May be aggressive towards other animals, including other dogs and cats.
  • Not recommended as a first dog.
  • They cannot live in the yard all year round.
  • They do not tolerate prolonged loneliness.
  • Sometimes they can show stubbornness, sometimes reaching obstinacy.

Gray pit bulls should not be set against people and should not be trained in disciplines related to aggression towards humans, such as arresting offenders.

Final Thoughts

Typically, gray in pit bulls means blue, which is a lightened variation of black.

But other coat colors can also look gray, such as blue-fawn, tricolor, isabella, blue-brindle, and even light fawn with a blue bloom.

Like other representatives of this breed, pit bulls with a grayish coat color are distinguished by their energetic and friendly disposition towards people, they love children and, with proper upbringing, they make good pets.

However, it should be borne in mind that these dogs, due to their fighting past, need correct, but firm treatment, as well as early socialization, which is why they cannot be recommended as pets to people who acquire a dog for the first time.


  • Amanda Wheatley

    Passionate about animals, Amanda draws her expertise from her training as an educator, pet behaviorist as well as her extensive experience with animal owners. A specialist in dog and cat behavior, Amanda continues to learn about our four-legged companions by studying veterinary reference books but also university research sites (UCD, Utrecht, Cambridge, Cornell, etc..) Why Trust ShelterAPet? At ShelterAPet, our collective is composed of writers, veterinarians, and seasoned animal trainers with a deep passion for pets. Our team of esteemed professionals delves into extensive research to deliver trustworthy insights on a broad spectrum of pet-related subjects. We anchor our evaluations on direct customer experiences, meticulous testing, and comprehensive scrutiny. Our commitment is to uphold transparency and integrity for our cherished community of pet aficionados and prospective pet parents.