What Type Of Cat Breeds Is Garfield? Learn About This Breed

Many people grew up watching Garfield on the small screen. On June 19, 1978, the first comic strip about this character was published. The lazy ginger cat, who loves to test the patience of others, seriously interested the audience, and many of them decided to have such a pet.

Have you ever wondered what breed inspired Jim Davies to create one of the most famous cats in the world? Here we give you the answer.

Summary of the Garfield series

The laziest cat in the history of comics was born in 1978 in the American daily and Sunday press. Garfield, adored by his master, can relish the pleasure of doing nothing. Fat, always tired, always hungry, always talkative, he philosophizes with humor about his feline condition. By not forgetting to eat and rest, of course.

Born in the kitchen of the Italian restaurant Mamma Leoni, Garfield weighs just over two kilos and, from the beginning, showed a passion for Italian food.

The restaurant owner, forced to choose between Garfield or closing the doors of his dining room for lack of pasta, sells it to a pet store. So Garfield thought he was lost until Jon Arbuckle, or Jon Good-natured walked through the door.

Garfield is such a gourmet, with a marked preference for lasagna, it may be because he was born in the kitchen of an Italian restaurant.  he hates fruits and vegetables and other low-fat meals, he nevertheless appreciates herbs, in particular his master’s ferns and green plants, or those he finds in the neighbor’s garden.

If eating is one of Its favorite things to do, sleeping and lounging are other hobbies of his. Do not rely on him to chase mice or make excessive leaps. Besides, as far as mice are concerned, he prefers to get along with them: he pretends to chase them from time to time, to please his master Jon, and they can stay by being discreet … Garfield is one lazy cat.

The comic was published in 41 pieces, but after 3 months the newspaper refused to publish it. Davis decided that the stories about his character would never appear in print. But the editorial office was showered with indignant calls and letters, so they decided to return the cat to Garfield. In 1983, his story spread all over the planet. And in 2002, Garfield got into the Guinness Book of Records as the most frequently published comic strip.

The first cartoon featuring a character in children’s animation magazines appeared in 1982. 9 years after the first publication of the comic, enterprising directors began filming an animated series. As a result, they filmed 7 seasons dedicated to the adventures of an insolent ginger cat and his friends.

Also, 2 full-length films were created with the participation of live actors and an animated hero. The first was released in 2004 and grossed about $ 200 million. The second appeared 2 years later and grossed $ 141 million. Despite a sizable box office, the film received mixed reviews from critics and was rated 6 out of 10.

For 13 years, Garfield’s cat spoke in the voice of Lorenzo Music. In 2004, the character was voiced by Hollywood actor Bill Murray. It was in his voice that Garfield spoke from the modern film and animated series. The animated film was voiced by Frank Welker.

Summary of the Garfield series

The laziest cat in the history of comics was born in 1978 in the American daily and Sunday press. Garfield, adored by his master, can relish the pleasure of doing nothing. Fat, always tired, always hungry, always talkative, he philosophizes with humor about his feline condition. By not forgetting to eat and rest, of course.

Born in the kitchen of the Italian restaurant Mamma Leoni, Garfield weighs just over two kilos and, from the beginning, showed a passion for Italian food.

The restaurant owner, forced to choose between Garfield or closing the doors of his dining room for lack of pasta, sells it to a pet store. So Garfield thought he was lost until Jon Arbuckle, or Jon Good-natured walked through the door.

Garfield is such a gourmet, with a marked preference for lasagna, it may be because he was born in the kitchen of an Italian restaurant.  he hates fruits and vegetables and other low-fat meals, he nevertheless appreciates herbs, in particular his master’s ferns and green plants, or those he finds in the neighbor’s garden.

If eating is one of Its favorite things to do, sleeping and lounging are other hobbies of his. Do not rely on him to chase mice or make excessive leaps. Besides, as far as mice are concerned, he prefers to get along with them: he pretends to chase them from time to time, to please his master Jon, and they can stay by being discreet … Garfield is one lazy cat.

The comic was published in 41 pieces, but after 3 months the newspaper refused to publish it. Davis decided that the stories about his character would never appear in print. But the editorial office was showered with indignant calls and letters, so they decided to return the cat to Garfield. In 1983, his story spread all over the planet. And in 2002, Garfield got into the Guinness Book of Records as the most frequently published comic strip.

Interesting! During the existence of Garfield, his appearance has undergone some changes. He was originally a short-legged, round-faced fat cat with small eyes. Now Garfield has become more cartoonish and acquired huge expressive eyes. But at the same time, he retained orange hair, miniature ears, and a long tail.

So What Kind Of Cat Is Garfield?

Garfield is a fat ginger cat with asymmetrical paws, a huge belly, a long tail, sly squinting eyes, and small ears. The main distinguishing feature of its exterior is its large round muzzle. It occupies 2/3 of the entire body, covered with short hair.

This is a fictional character who is the product of the imagination of its creator. Therefore, it is not known exactly what breed the Garfield cat belongs to. According to one of the most common versions, it is exotic. This breed was bred several decades ago by crossing American Shorthair and Persian cats.

Although the character of the cartoon cat Garfield is very different from the temperament of the exotic, he has all the external signs characteristic of the representatives of this breed. He has the same huge, wide-set eyes, full paws, short thick hair, a round flattened muzzle, thick expressive cheeks, and a massive stocky physique.

What Type Of Cat Breeds Is Garfield

The Exotic Shorthair Cat

The Exotic Shorthair is a plush looking cat, medium to large in size, very easygoing. Due to Its origins, It has everything of the Persian cat. The only difference: the Exotic Shorthair has short hair.

It’s a very affectionate cat who alternates between calm moments and more active moments because he loves to play. Its intelligence, Its gentleness, Its affection make the Exotic Shorthair the ideal pet.

  • Size: 11  to 13 inches
  • Weight: 7 to 12 lbs
  • Coat: short
  • Color: verity
  • Life expectancy: 12 to 15 years
  • Gestation period: 60 to 68 days
Exotic Shorthair

Description and characteristics of the Exotic Shorthair

The Exotic Shorthair is identical to the Persian without its long hairs. It has the same dense and very soft coat. Its body is sturdy, muscular, with a broad chest and shoulders. The Exotic Shorthair’s head is very round and massive with a large forehead, large spaced orange or copper-colored eyes, and a characteristic squashed nose. Its short legs end in round, stocky feet.

Origin of the Exotic Shorthair

The Exotic Shorthair appeared recently, at the end of the 1960s, in the United States where it is very popular. It is the result of crosses between Persians and Birman, American Shorthairs and British Shorthairs to obtain a cat with the characteristics of the Persian, including its woolly and soft fur but with short hair.

Character and behavior of the Exotic Shorthair – Who is it for?

The Exotic Shorthair is a very sweet, intelligent, and curious cat. It’s a little more active than the Persian but, like the latter, the Exotic Shorthair likes comfort and tranquility. It’s also playful and adores the presence of children with whom It shows great patience, but It also adapts well to a calm master.

The Exotic Shorthair is very affectionate. It’s a cat who adapts well to living in an apartment, who does not meow much

Price of an Exotic Shorthair kitten

The price of an Exotic Shorthair kitten will depend on the sex, the pedigree of the parents, the conformity to breed standards, etc.

  • Price of an Exotic Shorthair male: 500 to 2,400 $
  • Price of an Exotic Shorthair female: 450 to 2,300 $

Final Thoughts

Garfield the Cat is a funny cartoon character with a memorable appearance and a lazy, grumpy personality. His whole appearance suggests that he belongs to the short-haired exotics. But since Garfield’s cat is a fictional character, it cannot be ruled out that he does not belong to any of the existing breeds.


  • Amanda Wheatley

    Passionate about animals, Amanda draws her expertise from her training as an educator, pet behaviorist as well as her extensive experience with animal owners. A specialist in dog and cat behavior, Amanda continues to learn about our four-legged companions by studying veterinary reference books but also university research sites (UCD, Utrecht, Cambridge, Cornell, etc..) Why Trust ShelterAPet? At ShelterAPet, our collective is composed of writers, veterinarians, and seasoned animal trainers with a deep passion for pets. Our team of esteemed professionals delves into extensive research to deliver trustworthy insights on a broad spectrum of pet-related subjects. We anchor our evaluations on direct customer experiences, meticulous testing, and comprehensive scrutiny. Our commitment is to uphold transparency and integrity for our cherished community of pet aficionados and prospective pet parents.

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